Fit-Sticks Chicken+Rabbit
At least 76% fresh chicken and rabbit
- Natural and healthy
- Easily digested
- With valuable herbs
- Low fat content
Only the best pieces of fresh chicken and rabbit are selected for delicacies, as well as rice cooked in its own juice without adding water. After the cooking process, the feed is slowly and carefully dried and then formed into small pieces. Pure concentrated meat juice makes up 18% of the feed, making treats especially juicy and tasty. Healthy and low-fat snacks are great for rewarding your dog.
Platinum Fit-Sticks treats with chicken and rabbit are made only from high-quality ingredients that are also used for human consumption:
- 76% fresh chicken and rabbit
- Rice is a high-quality source of carbohydrates
- Extract of green husks and several useful herbs
Platinum treats do not contain attractants, flavoring agents, flavor enhancers, colorings and flavorings, and there is no added sugar. Vitamins and minerals are not added to the treats, as the dog gets everything it needs from Platinum dry dog food. The treats contain antioxidants on the basis of vitamins: extracts of natural origin, rich in tocopherol.
Fresh Chicken and Rabbit (76%), Fresh Chicken Liver, Fresh Chicken Liver, Broken Rice, Green Leaf Mussel Extract, Dried Carrots, Dried Tomatoes, Dried African Calendula, Dried Dandelion, Dried Broccoli, Dried Green Tea, Dried Chamomile, Dried Oregano, dried milkweed seeds, dried cranberry seeds, dried seaweed, potassium chloride.
Analytical constituents:
Crude protein 24.0%, crude oils and fats 9.9%, crude ash 6.5%, crude fiber 2.5%, calcium 1.5%, phosphorus 1.0%, moisture (naturally derived) 18.0 %.
20 - 30 grams per 10 kilograms of dog's body weight per day. This is about 2 - 3 FIT-STICKS. pieces.
300 gr
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premium maistas ir skanėstai tavo keturkojui
- Laimingesnis gyvenimas.
Lengvas virškinimas užtikrina, kad kepenys, inkstai, bei oda nėra apkraunami produktais, kurie neturi jokios naudos.
- Didesnė raumenų masė
Aukštos kokybės baltymai iš šviežios mėsos iškart skatiną raumenų augimą.
- Blizgus kailis
Pašare esantys maistingi, šalto spaudimo aliejai ir mūsų ingredientų grynumas.
- Jokio netoleravimo ar alergijos
PLATINUM taip lengvai virškinamas dėl natūralios, sveikos sudėties, tad netoleravimas yra retas reiškinys. Medžiagų apykaitai netrukdo denatūruoti ingredientai, kurie gali sukelti nepaaiškinamą niežėjimą ar kitas odos problemas.
- Mažiau „Produkcijos“
Kadangi PLATINUM pašarą organizmas sunaudoja optimaliai, šunys neturi viduriavimo problemų. Net „mažos dovanėles“, kurias palieka yra nedidelės ir tvirtos.